



詞曲: 阮文元

眼淚汪汪掛眼眶 眼睛注視那鏡子
在我瞳孔正當中 你我都在微微笑
真想悄悄問你 甚麼時候你才知道
我是那麼真情的 永遠永遠愛著你
只顧我倆在一起 永遠不要分離

眼淚汪汪掛滿眶 想起那天的情景
下著小雨的那晚上 我們留下這情苗
頻頭向你問道 甚麼時候要說再見
你輕輕地搖搖頭 好像是在對我說
我倆永遠在一起 永遠不要分離


Agnes Chan-You Are 21 I Am 16

You are 21, I am 16
This is the reason enough that we're together

I like the house that you put me in
I adore the table and the bed
I like the doll and the folk guitar
I like the way you do your show
But darling I like you most of all

You are 21, I am 16
This is the reason enough that we're together
[. From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/a/agnes-chan-lyrics/you-are-21-i-am-16-lyrics.html .]

Look at the flowers and the butterflies
Watch the stars that twinker in the sky
I'll gather the flowers in a large bouquet
I'll put all the stars into your heart
Just to show I love you most of all

You are 21, I am 16
This is the reason enough that we're together